The Disparity of Indigenous and Nonindigenous Groups in the Healthcare System of Mexico


indigenous, healthcare, Mexico, disparity

How to Cite

Nguyen, M. (2020). The Disparity of Indigenous and Nonindigenous Groups in the Healthcare System of Mexico. Global Insight: A Journal of Critical Human Science and Culture, 1, 15–20.


All around the world, indigenous groups experience a great amount of inequalities compared to their nonindigenous counterparts. This is apparent in Mexico, where indigenous groups face greater poverty, less access to social benefits, and less access to health services. The healthcare system of Mexico used to cater to the wealthier, nonindigenous population, ignoring the marginalized, disadvantaged indigenous population. There has been a lack of federal attention and aid to the healthcare of indigenous groups. They experience low funded healthcare facilities which lead to the shortage of human resources, medications, supplies, and infrastructure. This led to the lack of health services in indigenous communities. Less indigenous individuals had access to health coverage and benefits compared to nonindigenous individuals. Lastly, indigenous groups also faced lower quality health services as well. However, Mexico has been working on decreasing the disparity gap. There was the institution of a national program called Seguro Popular, which focused on providing universal health care. Mexico has also strengthened the National Register of Translators and Interpreters in indigenous languages and individual, separate projects were created to aid in alleviating the disparity between indigenous and nonindigenous populations in relation to healthcare.