For the last two years, the public discussion surrounding global health has focused almost entirely on COVID-19. In the meantime, other historic and dangerous diseases have taken a backseat. Nevertheless, other endemics are worthy of discussion; these diseases, and potential lifesaving solutions, must also be granted attention if progress is to be achieved. This paper explores the tuberculosis endemic in the Russian Federation, focusing mostly on multi-drug resistant (MDR) TB. While overall rates of tuberculosis have declined in Russia over the course of the 21st century, incidence is still far higher than in most nations, and MDR-TB makes progress more difficult. Two potential strategies are explored. The first strategy includes a public education campaign targeted at changing certain behaviors that contribute to the creation of multi-drug resistant strains. The second involves investment in new treatment options by the Russian government. Both of these policies possess certain limited benefits, but also possess weaknesses leading to lack of solvency. As a result, the author suggests implementing both as a two-pronged approach. Each has the advantage of mitigating the weaknesses of the other, and would, therefore, be exponentially more successful if coupled.